ArtAround Roswell 2021-2022 Temporary Sculpture

Bear Off

Jason Sweet | Douglasville GA

Location: East Roswell Park

Materials:  Welded Steel, Enamel paint and Canoe stain
Dimensions: 24 ft  x 30 ft x 10 ft
Available for purchase: Contact to learn more.

Jason Sweet’s body of work attempts to balance contrasting elements through materials, design and/or subject matter. The title of this piece, “Bear Off”, is a term used in canoeing to push off or away from an object and/or obstruction.

Anyone who has resided in Roswell for any length of time knows how important our waterways are to our existence. From food and commerce to fun and recreation, it’s hard to imagine Roswell without the Chattahoochee and all the creeks and tributaries that feed into it.

Sweet’s intention with Bear Off is to personify the growing metropolitan area with its diverse communities and how it navigates through its own obstructions. Though sometimes complex our historical and modern narratives affect one another, this piece is a reminder that there is beauty to be discovered in our local anthropologic story.